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Posts posted by MMCCPaulEden

  1. Hi


    If the Map zoom style is  enabled in conjunction with a radar, pie and possibly other such single series chart types, when the User selects the zoom area, the following exception is generated by the ChartFX dlls that is not trappable.

    "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

    at ChartFX.WPF.ZoomArea.a(IPlotArea A_0, Point A_1, Point A_2, ZoomStyle A_3)

    at ChartFX.WPF.ZoomArea.b(Object A_0, MouseButtonEventArgs A_1)

    at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)

  2. Hi

    Be have found a condition that will generate a crashing exception in ChartFX.

    If you  set

      Chart.AxisY.LogBase = 10

      Chart.Zoom.Mode = ZoomMode.Selection;

      Chart.Zoom.Style = ZoomStyle.Map;

      Chart.Zoom.ViewStyle = ZoomViewStyle.Blur;

    and then attempt to use the Map Zoom function when the User selects the area to zoom to, the following exception occurrs with the ChartFX dlls and is not trappable:

    'NaN' is not a valid value for property 'Maximum'.

     at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValueCommon(DependencyProperty dp, Object value, PropertyMetadata metadata, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, OperationType operationType, Boolean isInternal)

    at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, Object value)

    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.RangeBase.set_Maximum(Double value)

    at ChartFX.WPF.Axis.f()

    at ChartFX.WPF.Axis.b(ScaleInfoBase A_0, Double A_1)

    at ChartFX.WPF.Axis.a(ScaleInfoBase A_0, Double A_1, Boolean A_2)

    at ChartFX.WPF.Axis.a(ScaleInfoBase A_0, Double A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3, Boolean A_4, Double A_5)

    at ChartFX.WPF.Axis.b(ScaleInfoBase A_0, Double A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3, Boolean A_4, Double A_5)


    Paul Eden

  3. Bumped, as issues still exist. Also attached scren snippet to show Axis Title outside of the bounds of the chart.  This screen shot produced with "3812" although the original project on this thread will have an older version.



  4. Hi

    We have found an issue with the presentation of axis labels and titles in conjunction with 3D styles (zip file contains screen shots). 

    Create a multi-series line chart (Chart_Sizing_01.jpg)

    Change the gallery to a 3d Area style (Chart_Sizing_02.jpg)

    Resize the chart slightly to make it bigger.  At this point the size of the rendered chart shrinks to make more space for the label text and axis titles (Chart_Sizing_03.jpg)

    Eventually as you resize, the chart will be more balanced in it's space allocation between chart and text (Chart_Sizing_04.jpg)

    Taking an extreme resize, by reducing the chart control to a small size (such as 1x1) and then gradually resizing the chart up again, it is possible to see that the text for axis titles are oriented wrong and the individual characters seem to be stacked on top of each other making the chart plot area extremely small. (Chart_Sizing_05.jpg)

    These screen shots were taken using "3812", but the issue has existed for a long time prior to this version.


    Paul Eden

  5.  Hi

    In relation to this, we have a file from SoftwareFX called "SfxProdInfo" and we have used it to download the lastest version of the DLLs many times.  Today though when ever we run it, all it does is report that it is "Downloading Application Info (GlobalUpdateFX.xml)".

    Is this application still suported as an update method?

    Also, when using the SFXProdInfo app, the version obtained are more recent than the ones available through the website - the last version we obtained was 8.0.3693.31430 and the website is 8.0.35x - when is the next official release due?

    Many thanks

    Some of our hotfix/service pack pages feature a download button along the install button, we will check if we are not enabling this on the WPF hotfix page.

    In WPF the hotfix just udpates your ChartFX.WPF.*.dlls as well as design time dlls in the Design subfolder. If you want to apply the hotfix to a build machine you can safely copy all these files. Note that if you never open an project interactively in the build machine you do not even need to worry about the Design subfolder.


  6. Hi


    We are using the following style, supplied by ChartFX, to make the Legend box collapsable:

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type ItemsControl}" x:Key="LegendBoxStyle"><Style.Setters><Setter Property="Template"><Setter.Value><ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ItemsControl}"><Expander x:Name="expLegend" Header="Legend Box" Foreground="White"><ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" MaxWidth="300" Margin="0,5,0,0"><ItemsPresenter /></ScrollViewer></Expander></ControlTemplate></Setter.Value></Setter></Style.Setters></Style>

    Can you advise how we might catch events thrown by the "expExpander" control?

    I had tried Inheriting the ChartFX Chart object and overriding the OnTemplateApplied method but without result:



    class CustomCFXChart : Chart


    public CustomCFXChart ()




    public bool LegendExpanded { get; set; }public override void OnApplyTemplate()


    DependencyObject d = GetTemplateChild("expLegend");if (d != null)


    (d as Expander).Expanded += new RoutedEventHandler(expLegend_Expanded);(d as Expander).Collapsed += new RoutedEventHandler(expLegend_Collapsed);




    void expLegend_Expanded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


    LegendExpanded = true;


    void expLegend_Collapsed(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


    LegendExpanded = false;





    Many thanks



    Paul Eden

  7. As mentioned in initial post, we have yet to identify a 100% reproduction case - my reason for asking was to check for any existing known issues that may have an impact on this particular functionality.  Are you able to give any information on the imminent hotfix as to fixed bugs?




  8. Hi

    Are there any known issues relating to zooming in conjunction with line charts?  We have yet to find the exact cause and as such I cannot give reproduction steps, but in some instances (despite selecting a small area) the selection appears to "snap" to the width of the chart.  In the case of the Stripe zoom style, the entire width of the chart is visible in the main plot area and the adjustable selection area under the chart snaps back to full width when you resize it.

    I've just down loaded the 3693 build and it is still evident.  Is it possible for the sizing methods of the chart (such as Auto width/height or "Stretch" alignment) to effect zooming?



  9. For anyone interested, this was caused by attempting to set this at point of control instancing.  Zoom mode can only be enabled after the control has been added and as such needs to be trigered via a button or context menu.  It is also necessary to set the style property, as opposed to just needing to set it if you want to change it (while "Auto" is a Style option it is not set to this by default).




  10. Are there any circumstances where this would not be the case (use of styles, setting the flag pre-visual rendering etc).  Having put the previous line in place, nothing happens when the mouse is drag-clicked within the chart data area.




  11. Hi 

    We are looking to create a composite chart consisting of a stacked bar graph and a line graph.  Can you point us in the direction for samples that show how sereis data needs to be input into the chart for stacked barcharts and samples on having more than one chart type on a chart at the same time?


    Many thanks



  12. Hi

    Quite often our data is capable of produing large axis labels.  In our efforts to get charts displaying in an acceptable manor we have encountered 2 issues.  With the assumption of a chart containing 1 series and 100 datapoints, we experience the following:

     "Out of the box" Labels

    Quite often our data is capable of produing large axis labels causing the label to overflow the bounds of the chart (this also pushes the x-axis title out of the bounds too).  Resizing the chart can cause any of the following:

    Resize large enough and labels appear as intended

    Starting to reduce chart size gradually causes the labels to slide behind the plot area obsxuring the text

    reducing beyond a certain point causes tyext to ping outside of the bounds


    Templated Labels

    Using a template previously provided by yourselves to wrap the label text causes "irregular" label display:

    At some sizes the height of the axis label area will be filled with as many labels as is physically possible depending on the label length (acceptable)

    Resizing the chart (larger) causes the control to (I'm assuming) re-calculate how many labels can be displayed.  At this point, depending on the size of the chart, maybe 3, 1 or even no labels are displayed (obviously not so acceptable).

     Attached is a project that can replicate the issues - enabling or disabling the View3D is enough to show both scenarios.

     Is this considered a bug?  Also what options are they (for both scenarios) that might help us achieve a better display?


    Many thanks


    Paul Eden

  13. Hi

     We're using version 8.0.3565.24914 - when setting the gallery type to AreaCurve and setting the View3D property to True, the chart is displayed as a 2D AreaCurve.  Is this a bug or does this gallery type only work in 2D?


    Many thanks


  14. Hi 

    Need to dredge this one up again - sorry :) 

    Do you have any update as to your XAMLWriter work?  I tried serializing with the latest dlls but got:

    "Could not load file or assembly 'PresentationFramework' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

    during compiling.  Serialization is a pretty fundamental thing for us; while performance is less of an issue at present as things can be tuned later, without the functionality we have an issue.





  15. Hi

    We have found an issue with the way you handle updates to your control. 

    I installed 3422 via the full install and then used the servicepack to update to 3439 last week.  In creating a build machine I went through the same process but ended up with 3442 due to the updater arbitarily grabbing the most recent version.  I can't use 3442 on my dev box because we've not tested it yet and I can't use 3439 on the build box because it would require a manual change to the references in the code.  While the full install would ensure all at the same version, reinstalling every time renders the updater redundant.

    Unless you can select what version to download, the updater is only of use to 1-man outfits.

    Do you have any plans to adress this?

    Many thanks



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