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Posts posted by TheGadgetGuy

  1. Dear Lester:

    Thank you very much for your suggestions. We're trying to put together some programs for our MVPs geared to produce more specific content on the PowerGadgets site. Especially when it comes to other Microsoft Server products that work "nicely" with PowerShell. For example, we're trying to put together an Exchange 2007 server resource with MVP feedback so other Exchange 2007 admins can take advantage of PowerGadgets in that domain. That is where we feel the most valuable input from MVPs is going to come.

    In exchange for that input we are willing to offer some of the goodies you have mentioned (t-shirts, mugs and even the occasional mp3 player). If we are able to compile enough valuable information on a specific domain we will definitely organize it and make it available to the general public. Another interesting area for MVPs is blogs, we are opening up the possibility for our MVPs to share their experiences with other PowerGadgets users and expose their names to the PowerShell community in the process. This is particularly interesting for PowerShell trainers and consultants.

    As for rules and regulations, we are aware that many of them are very busy people with limited bandwidth to work "ad honorem" for PowerGadgets, so we are not trying to restrict them in any way as many larger vendors do with their MVPs.

    We will try to put together a few tshirts designs and upload them here for your feedback.Marco Shaw (PowerGadgtes Lead MVP) had many great ideas for MVPs, so it will be wise to coordinate with him any efforts in this regard.

    Thanks again for your input



  2. Zeppex: I don't know if PowerShell's execution policy will play a role in the gadget refresh mechanism. However, you may want to try changing the PowerShell execution policy to RemoteSigned and try to run your scriptagain. By default the PowerShell execution policy is set to Restricted.

    To read your current execution policy you can type

    PS> get-executionpolicy

    and to set it you can type:

    PS> set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned

    I hope this helps.



  3. The problem is that get-process (ps) is returning CPU for ALL the processes in your machine, if you do out-chart instead of out-gauge you will see a chart showing CPU with many processes. The out-gauge cmdlet displays a single value in a radial, vertical, horizontal and digital panel gauge so you must first filter the variable you want to plot. If you type the following script:

     ps | select ProcessName,CPU | where {$_.ProcessName -eq "System"} | out-gauge -value CPU

    It will create and display the gauge. You just need to know which process you want to monitor and change the name in the where cmdlet.



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