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Posts posted by wuttrain

  1. I just read from the forum that chartfx may not work inside the updatepanel if it is RenderFormat is .Net.

    Since I want to use .Net as the RenderFormat, I removed the updatepanel and the chartfx control should be inside the form now.  But I'm still getting the same problem, it doesn't refresh the value.

     Any help is always appreciated.  Thank you!


  2. Hi,

      My page has an updatepanel, inside that updatepanel are 2 controls:  A linkbutton and the chartfx control.  I also have a javascript code shown below.  The linkbutton's OnClientClick property is set to MyRefresh_Click().


    script type="text/javascript">function MyRefresh_Click()


    SFX_SendUserCallback('cDetail','My Param Data',false);



    When I click the page, the UserCall back was triggered, and inside the UserCallback I've reloaded the data.  My problem is the chart didn't refresh with the new data or sometimes it just disappears.  What am I missing here?  Thanks!

    Protected Sub cDetail_UserCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ChartFX.WebForms.UserCallbackEventArgs) Handles cDetail.UserCallback

    ---code to reload new data here

    End Sub

  3. Hi,

      I have a page with a ChartFX control, I also have this JavaScript code in the web's page source:


    script lang="JavaScript" for="Chart1" event="UserZooming(sender, e)"> var X1 = Chart1.AxisX.PixelToValue(e.X1)

    var Y1 = Chart1.AxisY.PixelToValue(e.Y1)var X2 = Chart1.AxisX.PixelToValue(e.X2)

    var Y2 = Chart1.AxisY.PixelToValue(e.Y2)


    "User zooming event raised from X='" + X1 + "' and Y='" + Y1 + "' to \n X='" + X2 + "' and Y='" + Y2 + "'");



     When I zoom the chart, this works fine as I get the popup to alert me that event was raised. 

    My question is the Zoom event from the code behind is not called?  My goal here is allow the user to get the X,Y coordinates, and from there use these coordinates to reload the data.  The function that reloads the data is in the code behind, so I want to get XY coordinate values and pass it to the codebehind function.  But there is no event that brings me back to the code behind to handle this.  Any thoughts?


    Protected Sub Chart1_UserZoom(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Chart1.UserZoom

    End Sub


  4. Hi,

      For my web app, I am expecting large amounts of data points displayed in the chart, and it is really taking time to load the chart.  If I use the Compact functionality of ChartFX, will it improve the speed of rendering?  For example, I have 3 series with 100,000 points for each series.  When I tried adding the lines:

     chart.Data.Y.CompactFormula = CompactFormulas.Average

    chart.Data.Compact(0.1) ' here I used the values, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 1

     and looked at the temp folder files, the size of the files .chs and .chw are the same when I run the different compacting  values.  So I'm assuming the speed is the same. 

    In this case, what should be the best step here, should I process (create my own data summary) the data first from my database before putting it on the chart?

     Any help is always appreciated!




  5. Hi,

    Here is a scenario:

    A user selects a date range (a year of data, each row has a 5-second timestamp, so this is large) and generates the graph.  The x-axis should show the months name (Jan, Feb, etc..).  When the user zooms an area of the graph, I want to redisplay the x-axis labels depending on how the user is zooming. So if user zooms the are of February, I should be able to see the February dates in the x-axis, if user zooms on a certain date of February, x-axis labels should the hours, if user zooms on a certain hour, x-axis should show minutes/seconds.

    Is this possible?



  6. Frank,

    It's a .CHW file, so added this extension as one of the supported Mime Types and it worked.

    <object codetype="application/octet-stream" id="Chart1" classid="/chartfx70/download/ChartFX.NetIEClient.dll#ChartFX.NetIEClient.Chart" standby="Downloading Chart FX control please wait ..."  WIDTH="523px" HEIGHT="360px" style="z-index=1; left=10px; top=15px; position=absolute; " >

    <param name="DataPath" value="/chartfx70/temp/CFV0515_0128241078A.chw"/>

    [Chart FX: .NET Active client requires Internet Explorer and .NET Framework 2.0 or greater installed on the client computer.]





  7. Additional info:

     When I run my app locally, .js files are created in the chartfx70/temp folder, but when this is run live, .js files are not created - RenderFormat is "Auto".  When I set the RenderFormat to Image, chart is displayed on both local and remote.


  8. I changed the code to this, but it only updates Chart1 and not Chart2:

    function Select_OnChange(dropdown) {

    var myindex = dropdown.selectedIndex;SFX_onCallbackReadyDelegate = function () {

    SFX_onCallbackReadyDelegate =

    null;SFX_SendUserCallback('Chart2', myindex ,false);


    SFX_SendUserCallback('Chart1', myindex ,false );


     Thanks Frank.

  9. Hi,

     I have 2 (or more) charts on a page, and I have a HTML select control (1 week; 1 month; 1 year). So when I select 1 month from the list, I'd like to refresh my charts to 1 month data.  I have created this function in Javascript, and created the UserCallBack for each chart

    function Select_OnChange(dropdown) {

    var myindex = dropdown.selectedIndex;var SelValue = dropdown.options[myindex].value;


    'Chart1', myindex ,false);


    'Chart2', myindex ,false );


    But it seems that only Chart1 is refreshed/reloaded but not Chart2.  I am not really familiar with Javascript, so I'm not even sure if calling SFX_SendUserCallback twice will do it.

     Please let me know.



  10. Hi,

     Here are the things I noticed when I run my web application in Safari (this app runs properly in IE 7):

    1.  When the chart displays the graph, I right-clicked Toolbar from the pop-up menu and then firefox just hangs there.

    2.  I added chart1.toolbar.visible = true, and the graph displays with the toolbar, but when I clicked on the zoom icon and selected 150%, firefox hangs

    Did I miss assigning properties or is this a script looping?



  11. Hi,

    Now, I created a simple web application with a chart, it runs fine locally, but when I tried to deploy it to a hosting website (I have an account on this host, and created a subdomain to test Chart FX) and I'm getting a Server Error in '/' Application.  When I said "deploy": I copied all the folders & files found in my application (AppData, Bin, chartfx70). 

      Reading through the forums, I realized that I need to install the Chart FX to the server, but I believe I don't have the capability to do it. 

      I am testing right now and will not be able to create a server for this time being.  Any suggestions so I can make this work?



  12. So I want to use the zooming feature in m web app and made sure the RenderFormat is set to .Net.

     And yes, the zoom works fine but I can't see the zoom region/box when I click and drag the mouse?  Is there anything to set or this is normal?



  13. Hi,

      I noticed that repainting of the chart is really slow and freezes my form while it's repainting.  I believe I have more than 200,000 points plotted to the chart.  Here is what I did, when I queried the data, I put the query process and setting of the data source in a thread.  The querying process seems to work, so threading is working but when loading the table to this (in the same thread): Me.Chart1.DataSource = [dataTable], it seems to freeze the screen, it then releases it when it's done.  Is there a work around to this?  My application has MDI windows and each window has charts that need to refresh every 5-10 minutes, and the refresh issue is going to kill my app.





  14. Thank you for your response. 

    After adding the 2 lines you suggested, I can see the difference of the delay, but there is still delay which I can live with. After zooming the chart, is there a way I can enable the tooltips property again from the mouse events?

  15. Hi,

     I am evaluating Chart FX for Visual Studio 2008 / WinForms and I noticed that when I load 50,000 rows (with 3 series) and tried to zoom it takes 3 to 7 seconds before the zoom box to appear when I try to click and drag the mouse.  This is the case when the chart is displaying the whole data.

    When I load just around 5,000 rows with the same number of series, zooming works fine.

    I'm on Win XP 32 SP2

     Is this is a possible issue if I decide to buy this product?



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