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Posts posted by markus01

  1.  Ok, when I do it in Page_Load it works. But I want to change the context menu content when a user click on a user command. It is not possible to remove or add any commands to context menu when after it was rendered the first time. As an alternative I tried to disable commands but this is not possible also.

    I need it for drilldown feature. If user clicks on a sub command of "Drilldown" in context menu. I change chart data and accordingly the available sub commands ( drilldown options ) should change. But context menu could not be changed

  2. I try to add a user command to series context menu. But menu item doesn't appear. I do the same with ChartFX for Windows Forms and there it works. Is it not supported in web version ?

    Version 7.0.3306.26568

    Here's my code:

    ChartFX.WebForms.Command contextMenu = Chart1.Commands[ChartFX.WebForms.CommandId.ContextMenuSeries];

    //add Drilldown itembaseCommand = new ChartFX.WebForms.Command(2222);baseCommand.Text = "Drilldown";baseCommand.Style = ChartFX.WebForms.CommandStyles.ShowTextOnly;baseCommand.ImageIndex = -1;baseCommand.Enabled = true;Chart1.Commands.Add(baseCommand);contextMenu.SubCommands.Add(baseCommand.ID);




  3.  Ok, I found the problem. There is a java script error on the rendered page  ';' expected

    The error occurs while setting the font array. There is an entry 

    SFX_fontNameArray[357] = 'Some's Style';

    Where is an apostrophe in the font name.

     I think it's the same error as described in http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/p/9572/22973.aspx#22973


    Is it possible to disable the generation of the font array ? Why do you create it with all fonts ?

    I could delete the regarding font from my computer, but is there another solution ?


  4. Toolbar commands do not work in my project. Are there any settings I have to do ?

    I created a simple ASP.NET WebSite in VS 2005 drag a chart on default page and set Toolbar.Visible = true

    When I start the project all toolbar commands have no function e.g.  3D view have no effect. If I add a custom command I have to set command.GeneratePostBack = true  to get UserCommand event.


    VS 2005

    ChartFX 7.0.2893.24916

     For all chart settings I use the default


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