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Posts posted by webfoot

  1. We have a product that uses ChartFX and are trying to minimize our Dev Machine configuration.

    Is there any way we can use ChartFX without installing the SDK/Setup?

    For instance, we have the correct versioned dlls, we have the lic. file, we have a valid account...

    We would like to have the ChartFX dependencies in a relative directory, and for a new dev system to be able to build (and register the component) without having to use the setup on the same system.

    It appears that the registry is modified during setup that is used during the lic. generation process.

    No matter the format of the lic file, we are unable to build.

    The same source works just fine if we install from the setup.

  2.  I am trying to pull the MetaFile off of the clipboard after using the Copy To Clipboard as Meta File option on the Chart Control.

    Could someone please offer sample code, that is literally tested as working, to do this?


    (I have tried the traditional methods of type, format enum, and data retrieval, but the content is not present)

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