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Problem with Anotation Object and Property Dialogs.

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I'm trying to implement a workaround for the followings.

1. Arc rotates in the reverse direction

2. Rotated grouped annotation get fliped when changing height.

3. Boundary of grouped annotation is not restored.

4. Slider bars on property page work inconsistently.

5. Changes are automatically applied when moving to another property page

(See attached file for details)

As for 2 and 3, I think possible workaround is to make annotation ungrouped

and then grouped in a specific event. but, duplicating grouped object is

cumbersome work, tracking a tree of the group and copying ALL the properties

for each object...

Is there a way to simulate a click on annotation tool bar, or another

workaround for this?

As for 4 and 5, I have no idea. (Hooking a message loop?)

If someone has a good idea, please let me know.

I will order some copies of ChartFX Client Server 6.2 as soon as it get

localized to Japanese language by hellosystem Ltd.

Are these solved in ChartFX 6.2?

I'm using cfx4032.ocx (Ver., AnnotateX.dll (Ver. and

sfxbar.dll (Ver. on WindowsXP-SP2

Many Thanks,


Masayuki Amano

Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.

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