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Shigeya Tanabe

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Posts posted by Shigeya Tanabe

  1. What I am trying to do is in your reference link. [;)]

    I use start-demo function mentioned in that blog post to automate demo. Start-demo reads one-liners from text file and invoke them line by line. As written in the post, it invokes command line like following,

    Invoke-Expression $(".{" + $_lines[$_i] + "}| out-host")

    $_lines holds one-liners read from text file.

    When I added 'get-date|out-gauge -refresh 0:0:1' to my demo commands for example, out-gauge shows error I wrote earlier. Out-gauge was invoked as

    .{ get-date | out-gauge -refresh 0:0:1 } | out-host

    While following invokes out-gauge -refresh without error.

    Invoke-Expression $(".{`n" + $_lines[$_i] + "}| out-host")

    Actual lines would be


    get-date | out-gauge -refresh 0:0:1 } | out-host


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