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Out of Memory Exception with Area chart


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I am creating a simple chart and passing in data that has ~25 years of data.  This is a time series, so the chart is setup for an X-Values date scale.  If I show all of the data on the chart, it works fine.  However, if I limit the x-range to show less than the whole data set, I get this error, "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown."  It works fine to do this with a line chart.  I can work around this by using a subset of my data that's within my x-axis min/max range, but I thought I would bring it to your attention.

My code example...


chart = new Chart();SeriesAttributes sa = new SeriesAttributes();sa.Gallery = Gallery.Area;sa.ItemsSource = sd.DataRaw;  //Data from 1986 to Presentsa.BindingPath = "Value";sa.BindingPathX = "Date";chart.AxisX.DataFormat.Format = AxisFormat.Date;chart.AxisX.Labels.Format = AxisFormat.Date;chart.AxisX.Min = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1);  //This causes OutOfMemoryException//chart.AxisX.Min = new DateTime(1986, 1, 1) <- This works, showing all the datachart.AxisX.Max = DateTime.Today;chart.AxisY.LogBase = 10.0;chart.AxisY.Min = min;chart.AxisY.Max = max;chart.AxisY.AxisStyle = AxisStyles.ShowEnds |   AxisStyles.ShowIntermediateLogLabels |   AxisStyles.AutoFirstLabel;chart.Series.Add(sa);


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