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Display different tooltips and labels for the same point.


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Im having some trouble in displaying different tooltips and labels for the same point in a scatter diagram. At present they are both displaying the same value. Now I have gone through the support documents and other users posts but I still cant seem to crack it.

the Version of chart FX is

I intially tried using the GetTip event but for some reason that event does not exist in our project. So I settled in using the GetPointLabel, however I cant seem to get the event to fire.

ive used the following code (c#)

PointLabelAttributes pointLabels = oChartFX.AllSeries.PointLabels;

//pointLabels.Format = "%L";pointLabels.Font = new Font( "Arial", 6 );

pointLabels.Visible =

true;oChartFX.AxisX.Title.Text = USLanguageUtil.ReplaceLanguageStrings( table.Rows[0]["AxisX"].ToString() );oChartFX.AxisY.Title.Text = USLanguageUtil.ReplaceLanguageStrings( table.Rows[0]["AxisY"].ToString() );


oChartFX.ToolTipFormat =

string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "%L\r%x {0}\r%v {1}", oChartFX.AxisX.Title.Text, oChartFX.AxisY.Title.Text );oChartFX.AxisY.Style = AxisStyles.Notify;

oChartFX.AxisX.Style =

AxisStyles.Notify; //Saw this on another post in order to get pointlabel to fire.

oChartFX.GetPointLabel +=

new PointLabelEventHandler(oChartFX_GetPointLabel);

Thanks for the help.


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