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Annotation Problem in while import the Binaryfile


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 We are developing the product using chartFX tool. Our requirement is, User has Expoer the chart are data has to save as a project as a file.So we are making use of the concept is Binary file Expoer options.After that user to see the saved data, we are  making use of Import options to plot the chart area.But after importing the Binary file we are reading the chart are data and get those data from database replot the entire data to the chart area. We are saved as a Annoataion also as project and making use of Annotation Baloon. But after replotting the data annotation is not maintaining in chart area. So could you please help us to maintian the annotation in chart after replotting the data. Is there any way to read the annotaitonBaloon and annotaiton object from bianry file after importing the binray file.



Selva Kumar.V


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