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Failed to download Chart Data


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We have an installation of ChartFX IE 2000 and we are recently configuring a new box to throw away the old box.

 We tried to install and encountered errors. After going through the forums here, we are able to resolve many issues and even go away with the issue "Failed to download license"

Now, we are seeing the issue "Failed to download chart data" and we checked the permissions on the folders and gave full permissions for the accounts used.

 Still, the issue remains same.

any help will be really great.

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If this is happening every time its probably due to your IIS not returning the CHW file.

In Windows Server 2003, by default, all file extensions are blocked. You have to explicitly enable them and assign a Mime Type to it (binary in this case).

Since Chart FX 2000 is older than Windows 2003, the installer doesn't do this automatically, you will need to go to the IIS configuration manager and add he file extension.

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