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Adding labels to Pie Chart points (TagLib)


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I couldn't find any examples showing how to add additional text as a label to each point in a chart. I thought the use of Series and SeriesAttribute would help, but no go. The use of a legend is a final option for me. 

BTW, as the title shows, I'm trying to get this done with the cfxjava TagLib. 

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You can set that up with the PointLabelMask, here is a example:

<chartfx:chart height="400" width="600" gallery="pie" NSeries="1" NValues="3" pointLabels="true" pointLabelMask="Value %v: Represents %p%%">

  <chartfx:pie shadows="true" labelsInside="false"/>


Look at the Chart.setPointLabelsMask api doc for the list od availabe % "wilcards"



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That's why I couldn't find that parameter, it was up in the chart element.  My current working solution is to modify the label elements inside the legend. This  works in a  static manner, but fails to compile when I encapsulate them with a c:forEach tag.  I submitted a bug report for this (120875)


<chartfx:legend>   <c:forEach items="${pieChartBean.headerSet}" var="header" varStatus="headerStatus">   <chartfx:label index="${headerStatus.index}" label="${header}"/>   </c:forEach></chartfx:legend>

 Is there an 'unsafe' fix I can make to the taglib jar on my side to inhibit this checking?

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