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Met error when run as WebForm(about olap)


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I am using ChartFX for VS2005 Trial and it works well in Winform program. But error occurs when I use it in Webform. The

issues are  listed as belw:

1) Add Chart(Webform) control and all the DLLs needed. Add CharFX Extension. Connect to one cube in Sql Server Analysis

Server. Then run the program. In the Category Bar, select one dimension (such as TIME) and one level (such as YEAR). Now the

Year list appears(such as 2005,2006,2007). The error is that CheckBoxes before these YEAR values do not work. But, in

Winform, it works well.  It seems that the WebForm only support Dimension and dose not support DimensionLevel. The error

message is "it is not an known element. There maybe some compilation error".

2) When running in WebForm, the ToolTip in both Category Bar and ScrollBar is a big yellow one. While when running in

Winform, it is normal.

Please help on that. Thanks!!

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DimensionLevel is supported in both WinForms and WebForms. I was able to replicate the issue while rendering the chart as an image. I then changed the render format to .NET, and those features worked as expected.

To change the render format, you can do the following:

Chart1.RenderFormat = ".NET";

In any case, I will report this as a bug to our development team.

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Thank you very much for your help!~

I set the RenderFormat=".NET" and everyting is ok now.

But,there is a new problem when use the ".NET":I cann't swap or drag the Dimension. The "DrillDown" and "Analyze" are not enabled.When I set the

RenderFormat="Auto" as before,they're all ok.

Please give me some help.Thanks!!!!

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