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Points drawn out of the border


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Thank you for replying.

I tried your suggestion and it seemed to fix the problem. However, once I set "AllSeries.Gallery = Gallery.Bar", it then ignores AxisX.Max and AxisX.Min.

I thought AllSeries property was just a default value and each series' properties overrode it. Would you please give me further explanation?


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A bar chart doesn't have a real X-Axis, you can not set the Min and Max, the X-Axis is categorical. That's is actually the reason why you were getting the bars out of range.

What exactly are you trying to do by setting the Min and Max? If it is the scrolling you want to control you can use SetScrollView (Axis class).

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What I'm trying to do here is to set "view points", i.e. the data source contains data for several months and I want to show data for a certain period, say 30 days. It's kind of scrolling but SetScrollView would not be a solution since I have several charts whose "view points" have to be synchronized so I can't use scroll bars. 

I think I can do it by dropping invisible data before binding to a chart but...  Do you have any idea rather than that?


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