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.NET control not rendering correctly when using Integrated Windows Authentication


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I'm having a problem when attempting to render a chart using the RenderFormat=".Net" option using the ChartFX .NET control. I'm attempting to render the chart from a WIndows Server 2003 web server on which I've installed the test server licence from my ChartFX distro disk which arrived shortly after I purchased my fill ChartFX developer licence. The current version of the dlls on the web server is 2664.

If I render the chart without IWA set the chart renders successfully with the following tag in the HTML

<object codetype="application/octet-stream" id="ctl00$ContentPH_Main$Chart1" classid="/chartfx70/download/ChartFX.NetIEClient.dll#ChartFX.NetIEClient.Chart" standby="Downloading Chart FX control please wait ..." WIDTH="700px" HEIGHT="402px" >

<param name="DataPath" value="/chartfx70/temp/CFV0619_10144916758.chw"/>

[Chart FX: .NET Active client requires Internet Explorer and .NET Framework 2.0 or greater installed on the client computer.]


When I then switch on IWA, open up a new browser and access the same URL and authenticate I then get the following error dispalyed within the chart object

Failed to download Chart

ProtocolError - Unauthorised (401)

and when I look at the HTML source it show the following tag for the chart object

<object codetype="application/octet-stream" id="ctl00$ContentPH_Main$Chart1" classid="/chartfx70/download/ChartFX.NetIEClient.dll#ChartFX.NetIEClient.Chart" standby="Downloading Chart FX control please wait ..." WIDTH="700px" HEIGHT="402px" >

<param name="DataPath" value="/chartfx70/temp/CFV0619_10184039931.chw"/>

[Chart FX: .NET Active client requires Internet Explorer and .NET Framework 2.0 or greater installed on the client computer.]


If I then switch off IWA and access the same URL in a ne wbrowser then the chart renders succesfully again. Similarly if I access the resource via localhost via a browser session on the web server itself, the chart render successful with or without IWA switched on.

Could anyone help?




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1) Make sure you are running the latest Chart FX Service Pack

2) In order for the Client Control to send Authentication information it needs to be granted full trust in the client. Change your .NET security settings accordingly in the client box.

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Thanks Frank

I've followed your advice in 2) and can now report that the charts are now rendering successfully with IWA switched on. I've now set the RenderFormat option to 'Auto' and re-tested the rendering with IE7, Firefox 2 and Opera 9. In this situation the .NET control is used for IE7 (as expected) and PNG images with clientside imagemaps rendered in Firefox 2 and Opera 9. I note that the right-click when over the chart event works fine in Firefox i.e. it pops up the toolbat/datagrid toggle pop-up but not so in Opera 9. Is this because Opera 9 does not support clientside imagemaps? It does appear to support Javascript though as the 'Xvalue, Yvalue' pop-up works when you mouseover a point on the chart.



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  • 6 months later...

There is actually several ways you can do this. The following KB articles describse the most usefull ones:

Q6141001. Security settings required by the .NET client control

URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowArticle.aspx?Type=KB&Product=CfxNet70&Source=http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/614/1/001.htm?_r=1

Q7121096. Configuring client for full functionality of .Net charts

URL: http://support.softwarefx.com/Article.aspx?KBID=7121096&Product=CfxNet70&Embed=0&_r=1

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  • 7 months later...

I am having a issue with this. we have a production server which can be accessed from within our intranet and all charts are rendered without any problems. however, if we try to access the application externally over the internet, the white box appears instead of the chart on all forms which contain chartfx control.

I have already adjusted the .net security settings as advised in the guidelines. I have also checked with our networking staff and there seems to be no firewall related issues causing this. the only difference in the environement is that internally we are running the app on default http port whereas for access over the internet we have to use port 8008. could this have any affect? i presume not as no other parts of the application are being affected.

secondly, i tried to adjust assembly trust settings for ChartFX.Internet.Client.dll but the dll isn't found neither on the development server nor on the productoin server. it appears that the dll is not included in the installation packages and service pack anymore. could this be the reason why we are not able to access the application externally?

your quick response is much appreciated! 

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- Port 8008 does make a difference. Downloading a .NET Client control from a port other than 80 (default) requires full trust, otherwise the control won't even be created (like it seems to be the case here).

- The client control for Chart FX 7 (.NET) is ChartFX.NETClient.dll (ChartFX.Internet.Client.dll is the name in Chart FX 6.2).

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