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Setting date format for Quarters


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Works for me. Make sure you are using the latest Service Pack.

If the problem persist please post the code to reproduce it, I tried with a couple of different settings and worked as designed, I could indeed replace the Q by something else and I will see it when the labels were displayed by quarter.

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I see.  Q{q} can only be used in the <quarter format> section.  I cannot use this to force the axis to display dates as quarters by trying something like this:

mChart.AxisX.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "Q{q};Q{q};Q{q};Q{q};yyyy";

Is there another approach I can take to force the x-axis date format to display as quarters all the time?


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If you want to force the Step to be quarters do:

chart.axisX.Step = 90;

Note that this is not the same as changing the format, changing the format merely changes the way labels are displayed it does not change which labels and where they are displayed.

The Step property (default is <auto>) determines at which dates to display the labels.

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