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Migration problem in Printing


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I have a slight problem. It seems that initally my code was using the inside Color of the chart. Now the inside Color( PrintareaColor) is using the Color gien to the rectangle. I get it is a transparency issue. How do i get over the hump. This is the code i am using. The only difference fromt the 6.2 code is that i was using PaintFlags.Normal.

Rectangle R = RectangleP(x, y, width, height, e);

SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(chart.BackColor);//chart.BackColor);

SolidBrush B = new SolidBrush(chart.BackColor);//chart.BackColor);

e.Graphics.FillRectangle(B, R);


chart.Paint(e.Graphics, R, ChartFX.WinForms.PaintStyles.None);


e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Display;



e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Display;

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