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Empty Charts


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Hello All,


I am using two types pf charts; Pie Chart and Horizontal Bar Negative Value charts. When the application starts, I want to show empty charts in both of these cases. For example, in case of pie chart, I don't want that the pie chart with default data (the one displayed on design time) is shown. The chart should be drawn when the user select a few options and press the display chart button.


Thanks in advance.



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Thanks for your prompt reply.


The problem is that I am using the chart control in a UserControl. So, can you please tell me whether it's fine to call chart.Data.Clear() in the Load event of the UserControl. I have written the same code in the Initialize method of my UserControl but it's not working.




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It all depends where you are creating your chart.

If you are creating your chart at design-time then the Load event is fine.

Bottom-line is you wan to call this as late as possible before paint, after you have customize everything you want in your chart.

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