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localization unusable

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These dialogs are Design-Time only. They are not to be shown to the

end-user, they are part of a designer DLL (Cfx4Dsg.dll) which is not

re-distributable and therefore not localizable.

These tabs don't show at run-time. Can you explain a little bit your

architecture ? How are you using Chart FX ? from what development tool ?

what version of Chart FX (Client Server, Internet, ?).



Software FX, Inc.

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I'm using ChartFX Client Server ( and VB6 with SP5

Do you know the ActiveReports RunTime Designer control ?

With this control I can use the ChartFX Component at Runtime like Designtime

to configure it. I put the Data "unbound" at Runtime into the chart. I don't

need the toolbars. I don't need Extensions.

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> These dialogs are Design-Time only. They are not to be shown to the

> end-user, they are part of a designer DLL (Cfx4Dsg.dll) which is not

> re-distributable and therefore not localizable.


> These tabs don't show at run-time. Can you explain a little bit your

> architecture ? How are you using Chart FX ? from what development tool ?

> what version of Chart FX (Client Server, Internet, ?).


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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I'm sorry,

my failure. I see these tabs only a machine with chartfx developer package


If I test it on a machine, with only redistributable files installed, these

tabs are hidden.

And this is correct :)

"Heiko" <heiko.caspers@xervis.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> I'm using ChartFX Client Server ( and VB6 with SP5


> Do you know the ActiveReports RunTime Designer control ?


> With this control I can use the ChartFX Component at Runtime like


> to configure it. I put the Data "unbound" at Runtime into the chart. I


> need the toolbars. I don't need Extensions.






> "SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:OfbZ#QZDDHA.2720@webserver1.softwarefx.com...

> > These dialogs are Design-Time only. They are not to be shown to the

> > end-user, they are part of a designer DLL (Cfx4Dsg.dll) which is not

> > re-distributable and therefore not localizable.

> >

> > These tabs don't show at run-time. Can you explain a little bit your

> > architecture ? How are you using Chart FX ? from what development tool ?

> > what version of Chart FX (Client Server, Internet, ?).

> >

> > --

> > FP

> > Software FX, Inc.

> >

> >



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My Problem with tabs is solved, but I have strings, which I have translated in resourcefile but in the dialog they apears in english. I'm using the latest sp, VB6.0 SP5

See attachments:

1. Screenshot

2. Resourceproject with compiled dll

Is it a known bug ?

"Heiko Caspers" <heiko.caspers@xervis.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:cIS8EyWDDHA.2720@webserver1.softwarefx.com...

> Is it possible, to localize all dialogs and all tabs in options dialog from

> chartfx ?!?

> If I had localized the 'Locale' project I get the 'Data/Behavior',

> 'Commands' and 'Extensions' tab in english.

> Is it possible to localize these tabs, or can I hide them ? What I have to

> do ?


> It's not usable.




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You need to translate the string tables as well as the dialogs. These

strings come from the string table.

Note. Using Chart FX at design time may require (by license agreement) a

license of Chart FX to be installed in each computer. Using ActiveReports

RunTime Designer may be a case of "design-time". Please contact Software FX

to make sure your use of Chart FX does not require a special license

agreement. Most likely you are OK but you should call us to make sure.

The following is from the Chart FX Client Server license agreement:


You have a royalty-free right to distribute Chart FX "Redistributable Code"

if:(a)You distribute the "run time" modules only in conjunction with the

executable files that make use of them as a part of your software product;

(b)You do not redistribute or generate License files (.LIC or .LPK files or

Registry entries) as part of your software product(s);

©You do not permit further redistribution of the "run-time modules" by

your end users customers;

(d)You do not expose, document or make public the software API (Application

Programming Interface);

(e)Your software product(s) must add significant and primary functionality

to Chart FX "Redistributable Code";

(f)Your software product main and primary functionality must not be creating

and displaying charts;

(g)You redistribute only the software designated as redistributable code.

(h)You do not use the Software FX, Inc. name, logo or trademark to market

your software product;

(i)You or your end users do not use the "Redistributable Code" or any other

SOFTWARE component for development purposes;

(j)You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Software FX, Inc. and

its suppliers from and against any and all claims or lawsuits including

attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of your

software product.



Software FX, Inc.

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it happens only with the ActiveReports 2.0 Pro Runtime Designer (at Runtime

:), and I've already sent a detailed mail to DataDynamics and SoftwareFX


If I have a solution, i will post it ...




"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> About the String tables:


> I see you did translated them, in my tests, the strings come out right,


> attached picture:


> I don't know if this has to do with Active Reports designer. Please try


> a brand new VB project with the chart on a VB form.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.




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