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Realtime Chart OpenData

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I use the realtime function of the chartfx control.

For some reason I am not able to use the Chart with more than about 300


The effect is that the chart x axis is just not shown anymore.

I have about 216000 Datapoints. Each second one measured value which lasts

one hour all in all.

My task is to scale the chart always in a way that all datapoints can be

shown on one screen without scrolling.

Making the steps bigger doesn't help too for more than about 300-500


And I need so many more...

I would highly aapreciate any helpful answer.



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Do you have a scrollbar in your chart ? If you don't, and you are using 

CT_EVENSPACING, you are limited to have as many points as pixels are

available, for a simple reason: CTE_EVENSPACING means that every pair of

consecutive points must be distanced equally, so if you have less pixels

than points, you end up with 0.x pixels which gets rounded to zero (all

points at the same location).

You need to think a little bit of how you want to handle this scenario, you

can either eliminate the use of CTE_EVENSPACING and have as many points as

you want but decreasing the performance or making the chart scrollable and

showing a sub-set of the data at a time.


Francisco Padron


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Hi Francisco,

it acutally works as you said.

Now I have the last problem to get all function of the chart I need.

Adding a point to my chart deletes all the labels of legends as they called.

Only if the realtime chart reaches the next step or slice the label appears


I use nearly the same vb6 of your realtime example, but mine deletes the

labelling on the x-axis.

Can you help me ?



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Do you have a scrollbar in your chart ? If you don't, and you are using

> CT_EVENSPACING, you are limited to have as many points as pixels are

> available, for a simple reason: CTE_EVENSPACING means that every pair of

> consecutive points must be distanced equally, so if you have less pixels

> than points, you end up with 0.x pixels which gets rounded to zero (all

> points at the same location).


> You need to think a little bit of how you want to handle this scenario,

> you can either eliminate the use of CTE_EVENSPACING and have as many

> points as you want but decreasing the performance or making the chart

> scrollable and showing a sub-set of the data at a time.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


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