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pie chart colours

User (Legacy)

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we're using ChartFX C/S, and we happen to have a chart containing 17

items. Now it seems that CFX has a pallette of only 16 when it comes to

shading the pie slices. When it gets to the 17th, it starts from the


Its a bit disconcerting to see the the first and last pie slice actually

look the same piece of pie. Is there any way to increase the number of

colors shown by the pie chart?



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Yes. You can set the any amount of colors you want. We just happen to have 

16 in our palette (we can only chose so many).

To set a different set of colors you need to do:

chart.OpenDataEx COD_COLOR,17,0

chart.Color(0) = <Color For First Slice>

chart.Color(1) = <Color For Second Slice>


chart.Color(16) = <Color For 17th Slice>

chart.CloseData COD_COLORS



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