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Licence - Developer Studio

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We have Chart FX Developer Studio licence and we have trouble and ask some 


Firstly, in our asp projects used Chart FX internet com object.

Our customer connection to our web pages, customer take "Not Production for

use" alert.

In order to solve this problem which licence we have to purchase or upgrade.

The last question is on installing our developed chart fx graphs to customer

server, we get "server create object fail"

to show our project on other server which license is required?



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> Firstly, in our asp projects used Chart FX internet com object.

> Our customer connection to our web pages, customer take "Not Production

> for use" alert.

> In order to solve this problem which license we have to purchase or

> upgrade.

Correct. Developer studio is intended for development only. Pages can only

be accessed from http://localhost. You need to purchase a Chart FX Internet

Production License for each one of your servers.

> The last question is on installing our developed chart fx graphs to

> customer server, we get "server create object fail"

> to show our project on other server which license is required?

Chart FX Internet has to be installed (and licensed) on every server in

which it runs. If you need to distribute Chart FX Internet as part of your

product, please contact Software FX Sales for information about OEM




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