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tickmarks shown for whole height of graph

User (Legacy)

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I've noticed what seems to be an anomaly when setting tick marks and

certain axis types. In your "passing data" sample if you add the lines:

.AxesStyle = CAS_MATH

.Axis(AXIS_X).TickMark = TS_CROSS

.Axis(AXIS_X).GridColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)

to the line/step graph (option6_click), then you can see tickmarks

being drawn on the x axis as per normal. However, at position zero, the

tickmark is drawn for the whole length of the graph.

I've noticed it only happens for the CAS_MATH and CAS_FLATFRAME axis types.

Is this by design (why?) or is it a bug?



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.Axis(AXIS_X).Style = .Axis(AXIS_X).Style And (Not AS_BREAKZERO)

after my original line doesn't do anything...

The help for AS_BREAKZERO doesn't really indicate that this affects

tickmarks at all.


SoftwareFX Support wrote:

> This is by design. It is called the "Zero Line".


> If you don't want a line at zero, simply do:


> chart.AxisX.Style &= ~AxisStyle.BreakZero;


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Oh. Those lines. Those are not gridlines, that's the axis itself. This is by 

design, the axis is drawn in the same color as the Gridlines/Tickmarks when

the axis is "Math" or "Flat frame".

If I add your code in the Line/Step sample, I get the same picture except

that I get the blue line only on the left (not on the right). I get that

line when I set the AxesStyle to "Flat Frame". This is also by design.

If you want the axis lines to be of different color than the gridlines, you

can use the Minor Tickmarks/Gridlines.

Or you can simply hide the axis lines altogether by setting AxesStyle to




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