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ChartFX in HTML

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I sorted out the initial problem: I've bought a license for ChartFX Client

Server which includes a redistribution license.. And it now works perfectly

on Win2k and WinXP

Doesn't work on Win98 or WinMe.

Here's my sample HTML:



<script language="VBScript">

Sub LoadGraph

ChartFX1.ClearData CD_VALUES

ChartFX1.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, 1, 5

ChartFX1.Series(0).Yvalue(0) = 20

ChartFX1.Series(0).Yvalue(1) = 20

ChartFX1.Series(0).Yvalue(2) = 20

ChartFX1.Series(0).Yvalue(3) = 20

ChartFX1.Series(0).Yvalue(4) = 20

ChartFX1.CloseData COD_VALUES

ChartFX1.Series(0).Gallery = PIE

End Sub



<body onload="LoadGraph">

<object classid="clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331">

<param name="LPKPath" value="OmuQuote.lpk">


<object classid="clsid:608E8B11-3690-11D1-8FD4-00AA00BD091C" id="ChartFX1"

width="400" height="400">

<param name="_cx" value="10583">

<param name="_cy" value="10583">

<param name="Build" value="21">

<param name="TypeMask" value="111677701">

<param name="Style" value="-143785992">

<param name="Scheme" value="2">

<param name="DblClk" value="0">

<param name="RGBBk" value="16777216">

<param name="nColors" value="16">

<param name="_Data_" value="">

<param name="AxesStyle" value="3">

<param name="nSer" value="1">

<param name="NumSer" value="1">




When I load this HTML on Win98 or WinMe, the browser hangs... Anything that

I'm missing? The OmuQuote.lpk file is the license file created with

Microsoft's LPKTool (As per their website).

Thanks for the help,

Dawid Mostert

"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What product and version are you using ?


> --

> FP

> Software FX



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Which license(s) did you include in your LPK ? Did you make your control a 

"licensed control" in VB ?

Note that the standard license agreement will NOT allow you to redistribute

an LPK file that contains a Chart FX License (which is what you will need).

Please contact Software FX for information on licensing Chart FX in this




Software FX

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I've paid $599 for software that can't display graphs using client side VB

Script in HTML on Win98 and WinMe!!!

Can someone help me?

I've tried wrapping the graph component in an custom OCX in VB, but now I

getting not licensed messages on the client test PC's again ...



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Which license(s) did you include in your LPK ? Did you make your control a

> "licensed control" in VB ?


> Note that the standard license agreement will NOT allow you to


> an LPK file that contains a Chart FX License (which is what you will



> Please contact Software FX for information on licensing Chart FX in this

> way.


> --

> FP

> Software FX



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