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how to get this chart effect

User (Legacy)

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This is one article in the knowledge database:

"In Q7001070. Gaps in my data causes gap in the lines."

I want to know how did they get the chart in that style (how to set the

start point of the line on the axis Y, because there is always a gap between

the first point and the axis Y when I set the the data to the chart)

The dataset they used is:

Date Product A Product B

1/01/2004 10 100

1/02/2004 20 90

1/03/2004 30

1/04/2004 40 70

1/05/2004 60

1/06/2004 60 50

1/07/2004 70

1/08/2004 80 30

1/09/2004 20

1/10/2004 100 10

and the result chart is

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