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Realtime update rate slow and has cutted lines

User (Legacy)

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I am creating a realtime chart with a data rate of 10pts/sec.  I open the 

chart, add the newest point, and close the chart. As the chart runs, the

chart displays a series of cutted lines (on a 45 deg) until about 10 samples

are in, and then it redraws the correct line. If I turn off evenspacing,

then the graph will just jump by every 10 samples. Buffersize is set to


Is there another buffer that has to be filled before the line is updated?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks,, I was already using a Line chart.  The trick was to also refresh 

the chart.


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Are you using a Curve Chart ? Curve charts are not recommended for

> Real-Time as the curvature of previous points is affected by new values.

> Use line instead or you need to refresh the whole chart everytime you add

> a new point.


> Can you provide with a screenshot of the problem ?


> --

> FP

> Software FX


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