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#import and ChartFx

User (Legacy)

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I'm using the #import statement in VC7.1 on the ChartFX ocx (5.0.14) and

it is generatint both the tlh and tli files ok.

However, it seems to be importing the ChartfxLib members and not the

ChartfxLibCtl members. I need these extra members (ie name, left, top,

etc) as this is how our C++ app interacts with our other VB control.

Is there any way to get the ChartfxLibCtl imported instead of the other one?



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No. The #import has no concept of ActiveX interfaces.

If you are using ATL or MFC, what you need to do is put the chart into an

ActiveX container which will give you the properties you are looking for.

Check out the MFC samples provided with the product (Samples\MFC Folder) for

more details on how to obtain a CWnd that contains the Chart Object.



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SoftwareFX Support wrote:

> No. The #import has no concept of ActiveX interfaces.


> If you are using ATL or MFC, what you need to do is put the chart into an

> ActiveX container which will give you the properties you are looking for.


> Check out the MFC samples provided with the product (Samples\MFC Folder) for

> more details on how to obtain a CWnd that contains the Chart Object.


Ahh, thanks. What we are actuallly doing is putting a chartfx control

into an ActiveReport VB control. Then, in our C++ app we are getting

the chartfx control and setting some properties via our C++ code.

The reason I'm confused is the same method of #import works with our

ActiveReport ocx (ie we get the name, left, top, etc memebers). However

it doesn't work with chartfx...



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