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Simple Bar Chart...Please Help

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I have a table defined as follows

name char

30dayactual int

30dayforecast int

60dayactual int

60dayforecast int

120dayactual int

120dayforecast int

All I want to do is create a bar graph showing the difference between the

actual and forecasted

values. The legend should be actual and forecast. How do I do this using the

data table above?

Any help would be appreciated.

Ned Smith

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Chart FX can not see the distinction between columns ending with the word 

"forecast" and columns ending with the work "actual".

You need to reorganize your data so that you have 3 columns:

Label Forecast Actual

30 Days 100 200

60 Days 200 150

90 Days 300 200

120 Days 400 350

You can also pass the data manually to the chart using OpenData and

CloseData as described in the documentation.

This chart will have 2 series (Actual and Forecast) and 4 values (30, 60,

90, 120 days). Using the Legend property you can label each point




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