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Is there any suggestions using labelangle property ?

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"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What is not working ? Can you be more specific ? Do you get an exception ?

> the text doesn't come out rotated ? what's the line of code that you are

> using to set this property.


> Also please include general information abut which product and version of

> Chart FX you are using.


> --

> FP

> Software FX



I mean the text doesn't come out rotated

I use pointlabels property as the integer memeber in structure named

st_graph added image file "st_graph.jpg"

I trouble this issue because Any other property like volume,pixperunit is

work well.

other property work well using the structure member

gst_graph.sti_xlabelangle = 60

gst_graph.sti_ser_cnt = ll_ser_cnt

gst_graph.stb_y2_flag = False

gst_graph.stb_ser_show = True

gst_graph.stb_data_show = False

gst_graph.str_y_decimal = 0

gst_graph.sti_grid = 3 //0 : no grid, 1 : h-grid, 2: v-grid 3: hv-grid 4:???

gst_graph.sts_chart_type[ 1 ] = "BAR"

gst_graph.sts_chart_type[ 2 ] = "BAR"

gst_graph.sts_stack_flag[ 1 ] = "N"

gst_graph.sts_stack_flag[ 2 ] = "N"

gst_graph.sts_y_y2_dv[ 1 ] = "1"

gst_graph.sts_y_y2_dv[ 2 ] = "1"

ole_1.object.volume = 50 <- working

ole_1.object.Axis(2).PixPerUnit = 10 <- working

ole_1.object.pointlabels = true <- not working

ole_1.object.SerLegBoxObj.AutoSize = True

ole_1.object.SerLegBoxObj.AutoSize = True

ole_1.of_setting_chart( lds_chart )

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"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What is not working ? Can you be more specific ? Do you get an exception ?

> the text doesn't come out rotated ? what's the line of code that you are

> using to set this property.


> Also please include general information abut which product and version of

> Chart FX you are using.


> --

> FP

> Software FX



product is chartFX Client/Server and version is 5.1 using our project.

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