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X Value of Crosshair Tip

User (Legacy)

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You need to capture the GetTip event.

The GetTipEvent allow you to customize the text displayed in the tooltip.

For example:

Private Sub ChartFX1_GetTip(ByVal nHit As Integer, ByVal nSerie As Integer,

ByVal nPoint As Long, nRes As Integer)


ChartFX1.HText = "My Tip"

nRes = 1

End If

End Sub

Note: In order to enable the GetTip event for Cross Hairs, you need to do

the following in your initialization code:

ChartFX1.TypeEx = ChartFX1.TypeEx Or CTE_GETTIPDRAG



Software FX

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Thank You for Your answer!

I tried it.

but I can't insert xvalue, yvalue to Tip.

I finded sample code on your site. but i can't understand on that

How can I insert xvalue, yvalue to tip.

Please give me detail explanation to that or ASP Source Code

Thank You Very Much for Your answer!

----- Original Message -----

From: "SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com>

Newsgroups: chartfx.clientserver.51

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 2:20 AM

Subject: Re: X Value of Crosshair Tip

> You need to capture the GetTip event.


> The GetTipEvent allow you to customize the text displayed in the tooltip.

> For example:


> Private Sub ChartFX1_GetTip(ByVal nHit As Integer, ByVal nSerie As


> ByVal nPoint As Long, nRes As Integer)

> If nHit = HIT_CROSSHAIR Then

> ChartFX1.HText = "My Tip"

> nRes = 1

> End If

> End Sub


> Note: In order to enable the GetTip event for Cross Hairs, you need to do

> the following in your initialization code:


> ChartFX1.TypeEx = ChartFX1.TypeEx Or CTE_GETTIPDRAG



> --

> FP

> Software FX



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First of all, this code runs in the CLIENT not in the server.

You can insert ANY string you want into the tooltip, the hText property

contains the string that is going to be displayed, you can include anything

you want in this string.

Sub Chart1_GetTip(nHit, nSerie,nPoint, nRes)

If nHit = 14 Then ' HIT_CROSSHAIR

Chart1.HText = "My Tip " + CStr(Chart1.XValueEx(nSerie,nPoint)) +

"," + CStr(Chart1.ValueEx(nSerie,nPoint))

Chart1.ReturnValue = 1

End If

End Sub



Software FX

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