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Hi everybody,

I would like to know if it's possible to override the File -> Open method of

ChartFX Client-Server because I want to add my own type of files (like

*.rtr) who contains data on two columns + an header(title +units) ? If so,

how can I do it ?

Another question, I have 300 series of undetermined points (I only know on

runtime). When I plot all the series, if a serie has 30 points and anotther

60, ChartFX pads with 0 from point 31 to 60 the first serie, how can I

change that behavior ?

Thank a lot,


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1) Yes. You can capture the InternalCommand event and override it by showing

your own dialog.

2) Internally, the chart is a grid, all series have the same number of

points. You can assign CHART_HIDDEN to the values of those points that you

don't want to see.

Also, if you are passing data using the OpenDataEx method, you can specify

COD_ALLOCHIDDEN to initialize all points to hidden, this way you only have

to se the data that you have.



Software FX, Inc.


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