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RE: Zoom in

Software FX

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We have fixed some problems due to zooming in previous service packs. Please verify that you are using the latest service pack. We have been able to reproduce in the past problems associated to the graph lines going outside of the plot area but we have never experienced a problem where points were missing or zooming on a different area. If you are experiencing this problem and you are using the latest update of ChartFX then please send us a sample project that allows us to reproduce the problem.


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Justin Trask

Software FX

Please reply to: cfxie@softwarefx.com

-----Original Message-----

From: James Liao [mailto:james.liao@kla-tencor.com]

Posted At: Thursday, November 23, 2000 3:14 AM

Posted To: General

Conversation: Zoom in

Subject: Zoom in


My user reprot that when they use the zoom effect to zoom in an area on a

chart; the new chart does not show exactly the area you selected, it may

shift and does not show all the points you selected. Sometime some data

point does not show up, sometime data point was shown on the left edge or

right edge.

This seems a ChartFX problem and will you fix it in the future.


James Liao

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