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Problems: date/time scale

User (Legacy)

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I have a resultset that contains date or time values as x-values, e.g. 

data for 9 of the 12 months of a year (say: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11).

When plotting these data using the default behavior I get a chart with values

from 0 to 8, when plotting these data after setting datatype(0) = CDT_Point

I get a chart with 13 values ranging from 0 to 12 where the y-value for x = 0

is also 0.

Trying to set the min and max doesn't work. Setting min to 1 and max to 12 has

the effect that the data display is shifted one month (i.e. Jan is displayed as

Feb and so on). Setting min to 0 and max to 12 has the

same effect.

Setting min to 0 but no max the data is displayed correct but the zero value

is still visible.

In all cases 13 values remain visible.

How can I achieve that Chart FX displays the whole year from 1 to 12 with

the data in the appropriate position?

I can't imagine that it should be impossible to plot data and adjust the scale

and labels independent from the data shown.


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