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Re: Weird horizontal lines

User (Legacy)

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Sure enough.  I'd eat my hat but it's a bit cold outside. Thanks.

Francisco Padron wrote in message


>The reason is that your data goes back. Your X values go from 00/01/23

>5:06:25 to 00/01/23 00:00:00 10.00 (notice that it is the same day) then to

>00/01/23 05:10:50 76.60 and then back to 00/01/23 00:00:00 10.00.


>So those "strange" lines are just lines connecting your data that's going

>back and forth.







>"Edward Evans" <eevans@pacsim.com> wrote in message


>> The attached chart has a couple weird horizonal lines trailing back to


>> left side of the chart. When I view the data values in the chart, I


>> see any odd numbers. Why do those horizontal lines appear?


>> Thanks,


>> Ed Evans

>> eevans@pacsim.com







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