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Problems with Curve charts created in CFX 3.0

User (Legacy)

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I have already posted this message (12/07) but didn't any response so I

repeat it.


I have found the following problems.

1) Curve charts created by CFX 3.0 are displayed differently (and probably

incorrectly) by CFX 98.

Please see the attached curve3.chd file and curve3.gif and curve4.gif.

2) The series legend box was at the bottom in CFX 3.0 but it is at the right

side in CFX 98.

3) The x-axis legend displays only one 1 mark ("13:30") in CFX 98. Please

see the attached curve4.chd.

I handle ChangeType event and clear x-axis labels

(ClearLegend(CHART_LEGEND)) and then handle GetAxisLabel event to convert

double values to time strings.

It is fired several times but hText is quite strange, the first time it is

"12:30" and then it always an empty string.

If you look at the curve4.chd, data editor, the X changes from 0.52 to 0.59

so I expected hText to be in the same range.

4) If you now turn 3D display on, you'll see clipping problems.

5) Switch to Pyramid type. Some labels overlap.


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