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Annotation objects

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There is a work around for this.  There is an enable property that you can set that will not allow the annotation objects to receive mouse clicks.  

AnnotX.Enabled = False

In order for this property to work you do need to create your objects the following way.

Dim Annotx As Object

Set Annotx = New AnnotationX

ChartFX1.AddExtension annotx

If you created the annotation objects with the following code then the enable property will not work.

Dim WithEvents AnnotX As AnnotationX

Set AnnotX = New AnnotationX

ChartFX1.AddExtension AnnotX

Justin Trask

Software FX

-----Original Message-----

From: Gary Kercheck [ mailto:gkercheck@yahoo.com]

Posted At: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 3:10 PM

Posted To: General

Conversation: A basic question about Annotation objects and mouse click


Subject: A basic question about Annotation objects and mouse click



I have a chart which has two "ARROW" type

annotation objects laid on top of it. They are

working fine but there is one minor annoyance.

Even though I have the "AllowModify" property

for these objects set to FALSE, they still allow the user

to click on them and hilight them. In effect, they

occasionally "steal" mouse click events from the chartFx

object which results in having to click the chart multiple

times to activate the underlying event routine I need to

execute. Is there any way to completely disable Annotation

objects from receiving mouse events? I've tried removing

the "WithEvents" modifier in the declaration of "AnnotX"

in VB but this doesn't change the behavior.



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