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Re: Having problems clearing Design time "random" values when starting real timechart

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hi, you can try looping through the x and y values, setting them to

CHART_HIDDEN . This will make the values off the chart,

and therefore not show up. This method, however, will leave 1 series


Alternatively, you can remove the first, (and only upon startup)series,


performing an OpenDataEx-CloseData sequence specifying one less series, in

this case, 0.

hope that helps!


ps. what did you mean by the chart "compressing" itself?

Gary Kercheck wrote:

> Hello,


> I'm using Chart FX98 build with VB 6.0 SP3. I

> have a simple, 2 series strip chart which seems to be running

> fine with the exception that upon startup I seem to be unable

> to excorcise the "random" values that Chart FX populates

> the chart with during design time. This is a data logging application

> where I can't "throw away" values so I'm using an unlimited style

> real time chart. However, I do set the number of values property

> to "20" in the Data/Behavior tab of the chart's design dialog so that

> the X axis has a preset width and doesn't automatically "compress"

> itself (which it did when I filled in "0" for this setting.)


> I've tried the following code (as well as the line that is commented

> out) to get rid of these values but they seem to have no effect:


> frmMain.TempPlot.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES Or COD_REMOVE, 2, 20

> frmMain.TempPlot.CloseData COD_VALUES

> ' frmMain.TempPlot.ClearData (CD_INIVALUES)


> Any suggestions?


> Gary

> gkercheck@yahoo.com

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