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Assigning Legend Labels

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I've been trying to set legends to series with the following code:

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)


ICfxSeriesPtr pSerie = m_pChartFX->Series->Item[nSerie+i];

CString strLabel;

strLabel.Format("%s - %s", pSection->GetName(), (i==0) ? "Major" :


pSerie->Legend = (const char *)strLabel;


If I open a chart window all is well, the legend labels are there and

everything works. But after I close the window, I cannot create another

chart window. The function CreateControl fails.


if I execute the following code:

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)


ICfxSeriesPtr pSerie = m_pChartFX->Series->Item[nSerie+i];

pSerie->Legend = (const char *)pSection->GetName();


I can create and close as many windows as I like, CreateControl never fails.

Both the strLabel and the pSection->GetName() result in a CString object, so

there's no difference there. At first I thought that the solution was in the

scope of the variables, as pSection->GetName() is permanently active. So I

created a static array of CString objects and used that to format the string

and used that for the legend. Same difference.

Then I used the CString::AllocSysString() which creates a BSTR object. No


And at the moment I'm out of options, but running against a deadline.

Does anybody have a clue?


Rob Ursem

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