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Changing Button State & Missing series-point info on Dbl Click

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I recently upgraded to ChartFX 98 and am converting from 3.0.

1st Question/Problem: I use the ChartFX doubleclick event to do special

processing. I've found that for a pie graph the double click event

parameters contain -1 for the series and a very large integer for the

point. The graph itself looks fine, but the doubleclick event parameters

are incorrect. The doubleclick event does work properly for a bar graph.

Is there a fix or a workaround for this?

2nd Question: In ChartFX 3.0 I could change the "up" or "down" state of

a custom button on the toolbar by doing something like the following (In


If (ChartFX1.TBItemStyle[24] and $0400) > 0 // Button is depressed

Then Dec(ChartFX1.TBItemStyle[24], $0400); //Set button back to "up"


How can I perform this operation in ChartFX98?


Mike Simmons

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