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Re: Unable to print multiple charts

User (Legacy)

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Good morning! and I take this back... ya know, "Monday's code is to fix 

Friday's bugs". The problem was in my math, not my code. Sorry!!


Josh Eanes

Josh Eanes <JoshEanes@bihrle.com> wrote in message


> Good Afternoon!


> I have a new problem. I am trying to print out several charts at the same

> time on the same page (4 for right now).

> I am using the code below. I am also using a chart structure that


> of x1, x2, y1, y2 which is the location of the chart if the screen was 100

> pixels wide (this helps with scaling and movement of charts). The problem

> is that the first chart prints correctly, but none of the other charts

> print. I've tried several different ways of wording the for loop and

> nothing seems to work. Is something wrong here?


> PRINTDLG lppd;

> lppd.hDevMode = NULL;

> lppd.hDevNames = NULL;

> lppd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);

> lppd.hwndOwner = NULL;

> lppd.Flags = PD_RETURNDC;

> lppd.nCopies = 1;

> lppd.nFromPage = 0xFFFF;

> lppd.nToPage = 0xFFFF;

> lppd.nMinPage = 1;

> lppd.nMaxPage = 0xFFFF;



> if (PrintDlg(&lppd) == TRUE)

> {


> int rv;

> int width, height;


> di.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);

> di.lpszDocName = "ChartFX Print";

> di.lpszOutput = NULL;

> di.lpszDatatype = NULL;



> rv = StartDoc(lppd.hDC, &di);

> if (rv == SP_ERROR) { /*error*/ }

> rv = StartPage(lppd.hDC);

> if (rv == SP_ERROR) { /*error*/ }


> width = GetDeviceCaps(lppd.hDC, HORZRES);

> height = GetDeviceCaps(lppd.hDC, VERTRES);



> for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

> {

> m_pChartFX[i]->Paint((long)lppd.hDC,

> (width * (chart[i].x1 / 100)),

> (height * (chart[i].y1 / 100)),

> (width * ((chart[i].y2 - plots.chart[i].y1) / 100)),

> (height * ((chart[i].x2 - plots.chart[i].x1) / 100)),


> }


> rv = EndPage(lppd.hDC);

> if (rv == SP_ERROR) { /*error*/ }

> rv = EndDoc(lppd.hDC);

> if (rv == SP_ERROR) { /*error*/ }

> DeleteDC(lppd.hDC);

> }



> Thank you in advance.

> --

> Joshua Eanes



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