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Problem with scatter

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Hello online-support

I'm using ChartFX ClientServer 5.1 (it is integrated in ActiveReport2). I

have to develope a chart according to the sample attached.

In the attached file you can see first the scatterchart and then the values

(col1=ID for series, col2=Y-Value, col3=X-Value)

Very strange is, that the value 0.0118 doesn't have a dot!?

Another proble I'm having: at 0,0 there is always printed a dot!?

I tried so much and now don't have any ideas left.

Thanks for your help!



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Try setting the MarkerShape property to any of the predefined values.

>> Another proble I'm having: at 0,0 there is always printed a dot!?

How are you passing the data ? Note that if you are passing the data

manually our arrays are zero-based.




Software FX Support

"Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message


> Hello online-support


> I'm using ChartFX ClientServer 5.1 (it is integrated in ActiveReport2). I

> have to develope a chart according to the sample attached.


> In the attached file you can see first the scatterchart and then the

> values (col1=ID for series, col2=Y-Value, col3=X-Value)


> Very strange is, that the value 0.0118 doesn't have a dot!?


> Another proble I'm having: at 0,0 there is always printed a dot!?


> I tried so much and now don't have any ideas left.


> Thanks for your help!


> regards

> Luzia



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Hello JC

I solved the problem with the not printed dot. I set the marker size for the

several series out of an array. Unfortunately I didn't fill in all the

needed settings....

But I still have the dot at position 0,0. As I'm using ChartFX ClientServer

5.1 I have to fill the data manually, and I start with series no. 0

Do you have an another idea?

regards and HANW


"Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Try setting the MarkerShape property to any of the predefined values.


>>> Another proble I'm having: at 0,0 there is always printed a dot!?


> How are you passing the data ? Note that if you are passing the data

> manually our arrays are zero-based.


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> Software FX Support

> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

> news:PWMPAL3uEHA.420@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> Hello online-support


>> I'm using ChartFX ClientServer 5.1 (it is integrated in ActiveReport2). I

>> have to develope a chart according to the sample attached.


>> In the attached file you can see first the scatterchart and then the

>> values (col1=ID for series, col2=Y-Value, col3=X-Value)


>> Very strange is, that the value 0.0118 doesn't have a dot!?


>> Another proble I'm having: at 0,0 there is always printed a dot!?


>> I tried so much and now don't have any ideas left.


>> Thanks for your help!


>> regards

>> Luzia





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Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to the 

chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?




Software FX Support

"Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message


> Hello JC


> I solved the problem with the not printed dot. I set the marker size for

> the several series out of an array. Unfortunately I didn't fill in all the

> needed settings....


> But I still have the dot at position 0,0. As I'm using ChartFX

> ClientServer 5.1 I have to fill the data manually, and I start with series

> no. 0


> Do you have an another idea?


> regards and HANW

> Luzia


> "Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:y0O28q4uEHA.420@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> Try setting the MarkerShape property to any of the predefined values.


>>>> Another proble I'm having: at 0,0 there is always printed a dot!?


>> How are you passing the data ? Note that if you are passing the data

>> manually our arrays are zero-based.


>> --

>> Regards,


>> JC

>> Software FX Support

>> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

>> news:PWMPAL3uEHA.420@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>>> Hello online-support


>>> I'm using ChartFX ClientServer 5.1 (it is integrated in ActiveReport2).

>>> I

>>> have to develope a chart according to the sample attached.


>>> In the attached file you can see first the scatterchart and then the

>>> values (col1=ID for series, col2=Y-Value, col3=X-Value)


>>> Very strange is, that the value 0.0118 doesn't have a dot!?


>>> Another proble I'm having: at 0,0 there is always printed a dot!?


>>> I tried so much and now don't have any ideas left.


>>> Thanks for your help!


>>> regards

>>> Luzia







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this is the code:


with .Controls("ChartFX1")


.View3D = 0

.SerLegBox = True

.SerLegBoxObj.Visible = TRUE

.SerLegBoxObj.Docked = 515 'am rechten Rand

.SerLegBoxObj.Height = 40

.SerLegBoxObj.BorderStyle = 0 'ohne Rahmen

.SerLegBoxObj.SkipEmpty = TRUE

.OpenDataEx CHARTFX_COD_VALUES,5,iRow + 1

.OpenDataEx CHARTFX_COD_XVALUES,5,iRow + 1

For iRow = 0 To ubound(DataAry,1)

if DataAry(iRow,0) = -1 or DataAry(iRow,0) = -2 then

aktSeries = aktSeries + 1

xPoint = 0


if tyRow <> DataAry(iRow,0) then

aktSeries = aktSeries + 1

xPoint = 0

end if

end if

.Series(aktSeries).YValue(xPoint) = ChartValue(DataAry(iRow,1))

.Series(aktSeries).XValue(xPoint) = ChartValue(DataAry(iRow,2))

tyRow = DataAry(iRow,0)

xPoint = xPoint + 1

Text1 = Text1 & DataAry(iRow,0) & chr(10)

Text2 = Text2 & DataAry(iRow,1) & chr(10)

Text3 = Text3 & DataAry(iRow,2) & chr(10)




.Series(0).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

.Series(1).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

.Series(2).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

.Series(3).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

.Series(4).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

.Series(0).MarkerShape = 1

.Series(1).MarkerShape = 2

.Series(2).MarkerShape = 3

.Series(3).MarkerShape = 4

.Series(4).MarkerShape = 5

'Min, Max und Schrittweite setzen

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Min = -0.01

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Max = 0.1

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Step = 0.01

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Min = -0.01

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Max = 0.1

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Step = 0.01

.PointLabels = TRUE

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Decimals = 4

end with


attached you can find the filled chart, where you can see that I only want

three dots. I found out, that this strange 0,0-dot ist printed, when I have

more than one value per Series.



"Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to the

> chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> Software FX Support

> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

> news:1seUUPbvEHA.424@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

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sorry, I forgot the attachement!



"Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to the

> chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> Software FX Support

> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

> news:1seUUPbvEHA.424@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

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sorry, forgot the attachement



"Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to the

> chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> Software FX Support

> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

> news:1seUUPbvEHA.424@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

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hello JC,

What do you think, when will you have a solution?



"Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> sorry, forgot the attachement


> regards,

> Luzia


> "Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:Wz8kgoevEHA.420@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to

>> the

>> chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?


>> --

>> Regards,


>> JC

>> Software FX Support

>> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

>> news:1seUUPbvEHA.424@webserver3.softwarefx.com...




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Hello JC

I reproduced the problem with a simple chart. Here is my code for filling

the chart:

with .Controls("ChartFX1")


.View3D = 0

.SerLegBox = True

.SerLegBoxObj.Visible = TRUE

.SerLegBoxObj.Docked = 515 'am rechten Rand

.SerLegBoxObj.Height = 40

.SerLegBoxObj.BorderStyle = 0 'ohne Rahmen

.SerLegBoxObj.SkipEmpty = TRUE



.Series(0).YValue(0) = 7.27

.Series(0).XValue(0) = 3.93

.Series(0).YValue(1) = 6.73

.Series(0).XValue(1) = 3.82

.Series(1).YValue(0) = 4.18

.Series(1).XValue(0) = 1.73



.Series(0).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

.Series(1).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

.Series(0).MarkerShape = 1

.Series(1).MarkerShape = 2

'Min, Max und Schrittweite setzen

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Min = -1

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Max = 10

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Step = 1

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Min = -1

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Max = 10

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Step = 1

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Decimals = 1

.Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Decimals = 1

end with

In the attached File you can see the chart out of this. What am I doing

wrong that I have that dot at 0,0?

I hope this is information enough for you to see the error or reproduce my


Please help, this is very urgent.



"Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> hello JC,


> What do you think, when will you have a solution?


> regards

> Luzia


> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:JLGReBPwEHA.1120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> sorry, forgot the attachement


>> regards,

>> Luzia


>> "Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

>> news:Wz8kgoevEHA.420@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>>> Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to

>>> the

>>> chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?


>>> --

>>> Regards,


>>> JC

>>> Software FX Support

>>> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

>>> news:1seUUPbvEHA.424@webserver3.softwarefx.com...






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Hello JC

Why don't you answer me? Sorry, I don't wanna be impatient, but I need your

help. We have a Supportaccount with your company, do I have to send my

problem somewhere else?



"Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Hello JC


> I reproduced the problem with a simple chart. Here is my code for filling

> the chart:


> with .Controls("ChartFX1")

> .Gallery = 4 'CHARTFX_SCATTER

> .View3D = 0


> .SerLegBox = True

> .SerLegBoxObj.Visible = TRUE

> .SerLegBoxObj.Docked = 515 'am rechten Rand

> .SerLegBoxObj.Height = 40

> .SerLegBoxObj.BorderStyle = 0 'ohne Rahmen

> .SerLegBoxObj.SkipEmpty = TRUE





> .Series(0).YValue(0) = 7.27

> .Series(0).XValue(0) = 3.93

> .Series(0).YValue(1) = 6.73

> .Series(0).XValue(1) = 3.82

> .Series(1).YValue(0) = 4.18

> .Series(1).XValue(0) = 1.73





> .Series(0).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

> .Series(1).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)


> .Series(0).MarkerShape = 1

> .Series(1).MarkerShape = 2


> 'Min, Max und Schrittweite setzen

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Min = -1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Max = 10

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Step = 1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Min = -1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Max = 10

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Step = 1


> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Decimals = 1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Decimals = 1

> end with


> In the attached File you can see the chart out of this. What am I doing

> wrong that I have that dot at 0,0?


> I hope this is information enough for you to see the error or reproduce my

> problem.


> Please help, this is very urgent.


> regards,

> Luzia



> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:aTZjq6zwEHA.1120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> hello JC,


>> What do you think, when will you have a solution?


>> regards

>> Luzia


>> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

>> news:JLGReBPwEHA.1120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>>> sorry, forgot the attachement


>>> regards,

>>> Luzia


>>> "Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

>>> news:Wz8kgoevEHA.420@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>>>> Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to

>>>> the

>>>> chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?


>>>> --

>>>> Regards,


>>>> JC

>>>> Software FX Support

>>>> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

>>>> news:1seUUPbvEHA.424@webserver3.softwarefx.com...









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Hello JC

Why don't you answer me? Sorry, I don't wanna be impatient, but I need your

help. We have a Supportaccount with your company, do I have to send my

problem somewhere else?



"Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Hello JC


> I reproduced the problem with a simple chart. Here is my code for filling

> the chart:


> with .Controls("ChartFX1")

> .Gallery = 4 'CHARTFX_SCATTER

> .View3D = 0


> .SerLegBox = True

> .SerLegBoxObj.Visible = TRUE

> .SerLegBoxObj.Docked = 515 'am rechten Rand

> .SerLegBoxObj.Height = 40

> .SerLegBoxObj.BorderStyle = 0 'ohne Rahmen

> .SerLegBoxObj.SkipEmpty = TRUE





> .Series(0).YValue(0) = 7.27

> .Series(0).XValue(0) = 3.93

> .Series(0).YValue(1) = 6.73

> .Series(0).XValue(1) = 3.82

> .Series(1).YValue(0) = 4.18

> .Series(1).XValue(0) = 1.73





> .Series(0).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)

> .Series(1).BorderColor = RGB(0,0,0)


> .Series(0).MarkerShape = 1

> .Series(1).MarkerShape = 2


> 'Min, Max und Schrittweite setzen

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Min = -1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Max = 10

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Step = 1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Min = -1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Max = 10

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Step = 1


> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_X).Decimals = 1

> .Axis(CHARTFX_AXIS_Y).Decimals = 1

> end with


> In the attached File you can see the chart out of this. What am I doing

> wrong that I have that dot at 0,0?


> I hope this is information enough for you to see the error or reproduce my

> problem.


> Please help, this is very urgent.


> regards,

> Luzia



> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> news:aTZjq6zwEHA.1120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>> hello JC,


>> What do you think, when will you have a solution?


>> regards

>> Luzia


>> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

>> news:JLGReBPwEHA.1120@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>>> sorry, forgot the attachement


>>> regards,

>>> Luzia


>>> "Software FX Support" <noreply> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

>>> news:Wz8kgoevEHA.420@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

>>>> Can you post a code snippet that shows how you are passing the data to

>>>> the

>>>> chart ? Are you also using 0 based index for the point index ?


>>>> --

>>>> Regards,


>>>> JC

>>>> Software FX Support

>>>> "Luzia Baumgartner" <nospam@spam.ch> wrote in message

>>>> news:1seUUPbvEHA.424@webserver3.softwarefx.com...









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