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ChartFx Internet: Refresh problem, configure toolbar via xml

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I use ChartFx Internet as a control for extend user interaction.

To configure the look and feel, I use XML style and data files.

All runs fine, but there are still three problems:

1. Refresh with wrong settings

The control starts with the gallery I configured. But after I press the

refresh button (sometimes I need to press F5 more than once) ,

the gally change to bars (it seems to be the default gallery).

In addition, my other settings (show legend, show toolbar,...) fails too.

2. Configuration toolbar

I configured the toolbar (remove some items), but when I copy the generated

XML-code into my project file, the toolbar appear with default item list.

3. Date format

Date are displayed as date only (without time) when NOT using the default

gallery (eg. Scatter).

If I set axis format to AF_DATETIME (=8) the date time appears, but only

after refresh when the default gallery will be displayed (see problem 1) .



Code example:


---------------------- start.asp ------------------------------


<OBJECT CLASSID="CLSID:21F49842-BFA9-11d2-A89C-00104B62BDDA"


WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="300" ID="Chart1"



<PARAM NAME="LICENSE" VALUE="/license/CfxIE.lic">

<PARAM NAME="TEMPLATE" VALUE="/Home/data/xmlStyle.xml">

<PARAM NAME="TEMPLATEReader" VALUE="{9B6D6F4C-1F1A-48C2-8888-60B93002A445}">




<PARAM NAME="DATAPATH" VALUE="/Home/data/xmlData.xml">

<PARAM NAME="DATAPATHReader" VALUE="{9B6D6F4C-1F1A-48C2-8888-60B93002A445}">





---------------------- xmlStyle.xml ------------------------------


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


<PROP Name="TypeMask" Value="1183319044" />

<PROP Name="Style" Value="-9438215" />

<PROP Name="BottomGap" Value="43" />

<OBJECT Name="Axis(2)">

<PROP Name="Format" Value="8" />

<PROP Name="Format" Value="8" />


<PROP Name="nStripes" Value="1" />

<OBJECT Name="Stripe(0)">

<PROP Name="Axis" Value="2" />

<PROP Name="From" Value="3" />

<PROP Name="To" Value="7" />

<PROP Name="Color" Value="16777224" />


<PROP Name="MMask" Value="4" />

<PROP Name="nSeries" Value="3" />

<OBJECT Name="Series(1)">

<PROP Name="MarkerShape" Value="3" />


<OBJECT Name="Series(2)">

<PROP Name="MarkerShape" Value="4" />


<PROP Name="Title(2)" Value="Measurement" />

<PROP Name="nColors" Value="16" />

<PROP Name="Color(0)" Value="16777245" />

<PROP Name="Color(2)" Value="16777247" />



---------------------- xmlData.xml ------------------------------


<?xml version="1.0"?>





<COLUMN NAME="SPO2" TYPE="Integer"/>

<COLUMN NAME="HR" TYPE="Integer"/>

<COLUMN NAME="Q" TYPE="Integer"/>


<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:48" SPO2="86" HR="99" Q="70" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:48" SPO2="86" HR="101" Q="69" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:48" SPO2="86" HR="102" Q="67" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:48" SPO2="85" HR="105" Q="69" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:48" SPO2="82" HR="106" Q="69" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:48" SPO2="80" HR="108" Q="70" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="98" HR="54" Q="74" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="99" HR="52" Q="74" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="98" HR="51" Q="74" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="96" HR="52" Q="76" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="94" HR="53" Q="77" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="93" HR="53" Q="79" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="91" HR="55" Q="81" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="93" HR="52" Q="81" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="94" HR="51" Q="78" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="95" HR="51" Q="75" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 06:52" SPO2="97" HR="50" Q="72" />

<ROW T="05.02.2004 11:48" SPO2="29" HR="101" Q="70" />



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