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associate bubble chart with a curve chart

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The affectation of the type bubble to a serie doesnt work. It seems to work

only on a chart.

here is my code

'chart1.Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Series(0).Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Series(1).Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Series(2).Gallery = curve

Dim i

for i=0 to NbValeurs - 1

If not (ARotCap(i)="" or ARePourc(i)="" or APNV(i)="") then

'Set the series that contains the y value for the bubble marker

chart1.ValueEX(0,i) = ARotCap(i)

'Set the x value for the bubble marker

chart1.XValueEX(0,i) = ARePourc(i)

'Set the series that contains the bubble size

chart1.ValueEX(1,i) = APNV(i)*2

'Nom des sites en legende du point

chart1.Legend(i) = ASite(i)

chart1.ValueEX(2,i) = APNV(i)*2

end if


"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> a

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I am sorry but can you give a sample. This code doesnt work:


chart1.OpenDataEx COD_XVALUES,1,NbValeurs 'VALEUR DE X

'chart1.Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Cluster = true

chart1.Series(0).Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Series(1).Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Series(2).Gallery = curve

Dim i

for i=0 to NbValeurs - 1

'Set the series that contains the y value for the bubble marker

chart1.ValueEX(0,i) = ARotCap(i)

'Set the x value for the bubble marker

chart1.XValueEX(0,i) = ARePourc(i)

'Set the series that contains the bubble size

chart1.ValueEX(1,i) = APNV(i)*2

'Nom des sites en legende du point

chart1.Legend(i) = ASite(i)

chart1.ValueEX(2,i) = APNV(i)*2


chart1.CloseData COD_XVALUES

chart1.CloseData COD_VALUES

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> a

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The problem is:

chart1.OpenDataEx COD_XVALUES,1,NbValeurs 'VALEUR DE X

You have 3 series not 1. It should read:

chart1.OpenDataEx COD_XVALUES,3,NbValeurs 'VALEUR DE X

It is also strange that you are assigning X-Values to one series only. What

about the others ? Each series must have its X-Values in an X/Y plot.

Also, you assigning both X-Values and Legend. What do you want to achieve ?

It looks to me that this is not correct, if you assign X-Values, the X-Axis

will be a numerical axis and it will be INDEPENDENT of the number of points

in the chart. Therefore, the Legend property will be mapped to the scale

using the LabelValue property, usually you EITHER use X-Values or legends

but not both.



Software FX, Inc.

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You're right i have problems with the legend. I want to assign a label on

each bubble and nothing on th curve.

Is that possible With the legend properties or with something else ?


chart1.OpenDataEx COD_XVALUES,3,NbValeurs 'VALEUR DE X

chart1.Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Cluster = true

chart1.Series(0).Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Series(1).Gallery = BUBBLE

chart1.Series(2).Gallery = curve

chart1.Series(2).Legend = "Rotation capitaux 20%"

chart1.Series(2).MarkerShape = MK_NONE

chart1.Series(2).LineWidth = 2

Dim i

for i=0 to NbValeurs - 1

'Set the series that contains the y value for the bubble marker

chart1.ValueEX(0,i) = ARotCap(i)

'Set the x value for the bubble marker

chart1.XValueEX(0,i) = ARePourc(i)

'Set the series that contains the bubble size

chart1.ValueEX(1,i) = sqr(ABS(APNV(i))*10000)

'Nom des sites en legende du point

chart1.Legend(i) = ASite(i) & " " & APNV(i)


for i=0 to NbValeursCourbe - 1

'response.write i &"--"& ACourbeRePourc(i) &"<br>"

'Set the x value for the bubble marker

chart1.XValueEX(2,i) = ACourbeRePourc(i)

'Set the series that contains the curve data

chart1.ValueEX(2,i) = ACourbeROI20(i)


chart1.CloseData COD_XVALUES

chart1.CloseData COD_VALUES

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> a

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A legend to appear where ? on top of the bubble ? If so, this is only

supported through a client-side event called GetPointLabel which allows you

to put any text you want as a label for a point marker.

Another way to achieve this is using annotation objects.

In Chart FX 6 (for .NET) we added a Tag property that can be assigned to a

point and displayed as a point label.



Software FX, Inc.

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