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two y axis in the same 3 D graph

User (Legacy)

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Hi , I would like to know, if I can plot a stacked graph that has two


I am trying to solve the following problem. I want one axis that starts from

whatever the values comes out of my calculations. But the other axis always

starts 0 and above so that I can plot a 3 D stacked bar when I have -ve

values. Also, I should be able to hide the axis that starts from 0

Please let me know if this is possible. Does ChartFX support multiple axis ?

Thanks in Advance



I'm afraid this is not supported, Stacked charts will accumulate negative

values separate from positive values, all negative values accumulate and go

"down" while all positive values accumulate and go "up" the IniValues are

not considered for this calculation, the IniValues will be used after the

ending point of the bar is calculated to determine the starting point of the


What you want to do can only be achieved by a non-stacked chart, however,

clustering will be needed to make the bars appear to be in the same plane,

however, this can only be done in a 2D chart, a 3D chart will reveal the

clustering of the bars.



Software FX, Inc.



I have the following code asp code. This code is generating a stacked bar as

shown in the attachment. Please note that the bar in blue is not plotted as

required between -13.66 to -2.00. The image of the bar is attached

Thanks in Advance.



univ_graph.OpenDataEX COD_VALUES,6,6

univ_graph.OpenDataEX COD_INIVALUES,6,6

univ_graph.Stacked = CHART_STACKED

univ_graph.Series(5).MarkerShape = 4

univ_graph.Series(0).Gallery = BAR

' univ_graph.Series(0).Stacked = True

univ_graph.Series(1).Gallery = BAR

univ_graph.Series(1).Stacked = True

univ_graph.Series(2).Gallery = BAR

univ_graph.Series(2).Stacked = True

univ_graph.Series(3).Gallery = BAR

univ_graph.Series(3).Stacked =true

univ_graph.Axis(AXIS_X).Label(0) = "YTD"

univ_graph.IniValueEx(0,0) =-34.101001739502

univ_graph.ValueEx(0,0) =-25.3159999847412

univ_graph.IniValueEx(1,0) =-25.3159999847412

univ_graph.ValueEx(1,0) =5.25900077819824

univ_graph.IniValueEx(2,0) =-20.056999206543

univ_graph.ValueEx(2,0) =6.39099884033203

univ_graph.IniValueEx(3,0) =-13.6660003662109

univ_graph.ValueEx(3,0) =11.6650009155273

univ_graph.IniValueEx(0,0) =-34.101001739502

univ_graph.ValueEX(0, 0) =-25.3159999847412

univ_graph.IniValueEx(1,0) =-25.3159999847412

univ_graph.ValueEX(1, 0)=5.25900077819824


univ_graph.ValueEX(2, 0)=6.39099884033203

univ_graph.IniValueEx(3,0) =-13.6660003662109

univ_graph.ValueEX(3, 0) = 11.6650009155273

univ_graph.IniValueEx(4, 0) = 12.29

univ_graph.ValueEX(4, 0) = 12.29

univ_graph.IniValueEx(5, 0) = -22.1

univ_graph.ValueEX(5, 0) = -22.1

univ_graph.Axis(AXIS_Y).Max = 98

univ_graph.Axis(AXIS_Y).Min = =-34.101001739502


univ_graph.CloseData COD_VALUES

univ_graph.CloseData COD_INIVALUES




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Chart FX does support multiple axis but all segments of an stacked chart

have to be attached to the same axis.

The reason for this is that otherwise it would produce inconsistent results.

The idea of a stack chart is that one segment starts where the other one

ends therefore the next segment has to be in the same scale.

So, in conclusion, you can not use multiple y-axis in a stacked chart.



Software FX, Inc.

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