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Client component

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When external users visits my page, they dont seem to have the right

component installed to view the graph. I have updated the server with all

updates from the support-site!

How do I make a check, so the clients get the updated client-component, or

is there a direct link where users can download and install it from?

Best regards

Soren, Denmark

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They will downloaded from your own server. A CAB file with the OCX should be

in your Download folder.

Do a View Source of the page and check the CODEBASE attribute of the

<OBJECT> tag.

Make sure the version and the URL are correct. If they are not, edit

CfxSvr.ini (in your server) and change the codebase attribute accordingly.

The codebase attribute in CfxSvr.ini should look something like this:


You will need to restart IIS for any changes to take place.



Software FX

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