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Exposing properties and methods in Interdev

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ChartFX IE 2000:

Object properties and methods pop-up list missing when typing in Interdev on

my development machine...


Hello ChartFX Support Team,

On my previous development machine, I would get a list of component

properties and methods as I typed in MS InterDev. So if I first create a

chart object...

Set cfxChart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

...then, as I type "cfxChart.", my I typed the period, a list of options

would come up.

But on my new Win2000 machine, this isn't working. I've recently installed

the ChartFX Designer software and installed the latest updates from your web



Do I need to install SERVER components on my development machine for

this to work?

How can I get my pop-up helpers to come back?

Thank you,

Jim Miller

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