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Re: Gallery Type

User (Legacy)

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Hello Eric,

The Chart FX IE 2000 setup application created a /Include directory on your

web server with different inc files that you can use to

access constants in your code, you can include the following line (anywhere

before the Chart FX code is actually invoked) to access

the Chart FX constants:

<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE.inc" -->

This is the preferred method of coding ASP pages as your code will be easier

to debug and maintain as you will not need to reference

the Chart FX IE help file for a particular property or method to know

exactly what kind of setting you are applying.

It sounds like this include statement is not part of your code. This could

cause your charts to default to bar even though you have

specified your chart using the "Radar" constant.

Kind Regards,

Rob Hendrix

SoftwareFX Support

"Eric Zumot" <eric.zumot@biznet-solutions.com> wrote in message


> Hello,


> I have a problem in setting the chart gallery type, I have been trying to

> set it to Radar type (ChartFX1.Gallery = Radar) but it doesn't seem to


> the defaults I am setting, it displays it first as Bar then I have to


> it manually. Same thing applies on setting the legend box visible, I have


> do it manually after it has been displayed, what could be the problem?




> Regards


> Eric (Sael) Zumot,


> Web Applications Development Manager,

> BizNet Solutions,

> 133-137 Lisburn Road,

> Belfast,

> Northern Ireland

> BT09 7AG

> Tel: 0044 2890 223224

> Fax: 0044 2890 223223


> eric.zumot@biznet-solutions.com

> http://www.bizNet-solutions.com





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