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Re: Using CFxIE with FrontPage 2000

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You can ignore this post. In order to make this work with FrontPage 2000, I

had to make another database connection and assign the chart datatypes. It

then worked fine, but required an extra round trip to the database.


"Lee Wolfe" <Lee.Wolfe@Compaq.com> wrote in message


> Is there a way to integrate the CFxIE server design time control with

> FrontPage. The reason I ask, is all the queries are already built using

> FrontPage 2000, and if possible, I would like to add charts to the bottom


> the FrontPage results page.


> After manually adding in the required ASP code to generate the charts,

> random data field are being used to generate the bars. The charts


> but not with the correct data fields. Is there a way to choose which


> are charted with a database connection collected from a FrontPage WebBot.


> not, what is the proper syntax to choose which fields are charted, when

> you're not performing a separate RS collection?


> -Thank you, Lee



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