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Formatting X-axis as Time wont work...

User (Legacy)

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I'm using ChartFX IE to plot a value vs time. I'm retrieving the data using

ADO from an SQL Server..

Here's the code I'm using right now:

Dim Chart, rsChart

Set rsChart = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

strSQL = "select convert(datetime,[Time]), [Val] " & _

"from tblLabValues " & _

"order by [RecordNo] "

rsChart.Open strSQL, Application("dbcCustom")

Set Chart = CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).ForceZero = False

Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).AutoScale = True


Chart.Gallery = LINES

Chart.LeftGap = 51

Chart.RightGap = 11

Chart.BottomGap = 21

Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Grid = True

Chart.Axis(AXIS_X).Grid = True

Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).GridStyle = 2

Chart.Axis(AXIS_X).Format = AF_TIME

The chart plots, but all the X-axis values show '01/01/1900'. The date part

is reasonable, since my SQL Query returns something like (running the same

SQL statement from a SQL debugger):

Time Val

--------------------------- ---------------------

1900-01-01 10:45:13.000 4.9000

1900-01-01 10:45:13.000 4.9000

1900-01-01 10:45:14.000 4.9000

1900-01-01 10:45:43.000 4.8600

1900-01-01 10:45:46.000 4.8600

1900-01-01 10:45:48.000 4.8900

1900-01-01 10:45:49.000 4.9000

1900-01-01 10:45:50.000 4.8600

1900-01-01 10:46:02.000 4.8800

I've tried changing the format of the axis to "XHH:mm", "DHH:mm", even tried

"Ddd-MMM-yy" (which would make no sense for my chart, but I tried it

anyway). ChartFX ignored all my efforts...

I have a feeling it may be related to the layout of the data coming from my

SQL Server... is there anything I need to consider?

Any help would be appreciated

Alexis M

< a l e x _ m 7 4 at h o t m a i l dot c o m >

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