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PointLabelAlign Issue

User (Legacy)

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Hi All:

I am trying to make a horizontal stacked bar chart (see below). Everything

looks pretty good, but I can't get the pointLabels to center in their

respective colors. No matter what I do, they keep aligning to the right.

Can anyone please offer me some suggestions on how to get them to center?



// 'General Settings'

chtSentiment.TypeMask = HORIZONTAL_BAR_CHT;

chtSentiment.Stacked = 2;

chtSentiment.RgbBk = cWHITE;

chtSentiment.BorderStyle = BORDER_NONE;

chtSentiment.BorderColor = cWHITE;

chtSentiment.BottomGap = 0;

chtSentiment.TopGap = 0;

chtSentiment.RightGap = 10;

// 'Axis Settings'

chtSentiment.Axis(0).Decimals = 0;

chtSentiment.Axis(0).Style = NO_LABEL;

chtSentiment.Axis(2).TickMark = 0;

chtSentiment.Axis(0).GridColor = cWHITE;

chtSentiment.Axis(2).GridColor = cWHITE;

// 'Label Settings'

chtSentiment.PointLabels = 1;

chtSentiment.PointLabelsFont.Name = "Arial";

chtSentiment.PointLabelsFont.Size = 8;

chtSentiment.PointLabelsFont.Weight = 700;

chtSentiment.PointLabelAlign = LA_BASELINE | LA_LEFT;

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